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we stand and fight for the liberation of all oppressed people.
"what self could be free that exists separately from others?"
no one is free until we are all free.
to be cringe is to be free
talking to myself out loud because it's what the universe wants idk i just do what she says
no mistakes
there's a reason you're here, reading these words
the actual reason isn't important, but you're here aren't you? you clicked the button and you're still reading my words? that's because i'm resonating with you
trust yourself and your intuition. my words are only going to reach you where you've met yourself.
it's all important. all of it. it's just a matter of how you show up.
be here now, babe, it's safe

be here now by ram dass
"before enlightment - chop wood, carry water. after enlightment - chop wood, carry water"

be here now by ram dass
"before enlightment - chop wood, carry water. after enlightment - chop wood, carry water"
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